The News may as well be called No Event Worthy of Salvation. Have you noticed breaking news is every day? And just like a soap opera, it changes very little from one day to the next. Stefano still has villainous intent. Sammy is still a… well we all know what to call her. And even if people die out, they may come back to life for the next election or movement of outrage. The drama of the soap opera days of our lives never seems to change. Just a shift of characters, issues, and agendas.


So why waste our time? Because we want to be informed, and most importantly, we want to be saved from our own problems. It is easy when watching a show to see who is the villain and who is the hero. The ominous music helps. We can easily say, “I am like the hero, I’m a good person.” The news is often the same. I’m a good person for watching the ‘correct’ channel. For believing the ‘correct’ side. God would be proud of me.


Let’s go back in time. Over 2,000 years ago, Jesus gave us all a glimpse of what God looks for in a ‘good’ person. He takes us inside a temple where two men are praying a very different prayer. What if we put these prayers in today’s image?


The Pharisee post: “Thank Lord that I am not like those other channel watchers. I fight for my side with memes and social media arguments. I vote correctly and do all the things they tell me to because I know that they are the side that is correct in your eyes. Thank you, Lord, that I see the truth and only hate those who go against what we both know to be right.”


The tax collector post: “Lord, please forgive me. Sometimes I am wrong. Sometimes I allow the beliefs of the world to make me afraid. Sometimes in fear, I find myself hating others who believe different sources. Lord take this burden of hate from me. Quiet my mouth and give me peace when the media throws anger in my face. Show me your path and not just the world’s path, so that I can follow you and your will. I humbly beg for mercy for my sins.”


Response by Jesus: “The man who posts with love and humility is justified. But the man who only lifts up those with the same beliefs, but does not seek forgiveness for his own hatred, will not.”


What does it matter? It’s just a post? My soul cannot be defined by a post or tweet, right? Maybe, maybe not. What is my soul worth to me? Do the rants, arguments, and unhealthy memes hurt relationships? Yes. Do these posts often isolate me from those I care about? Yes. Does arrogance of belief keep me from searching for a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit? A profound yes. That is why Jesus felt this parable was necessary 2,000 plus years ago. And it is why it is still relevant today.


Bonding is hard right now. We are seeking that bond online instead of face to face. Bonding with others promotes health, happiness, and peace within. Let us bond and not push away. Let us post peace and not partisan. Let us define our soul by all actions, in the presence of others, in the quiet moments, and especially in online forums. Watch the news, give to Caesar. But don’t be the news, give action to God.

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