Consciousness of Self

Your thoughts influence your body

Consciousness of the Spirit

Outside forces influence our mind

Consciousness of Society

Our thoughts and feelings influence each other

Thoughtivate – culivating thought to plant seeds of light, change, and perspective.


Can we really restore the systems of humanity with conversation, meditation, and thought?


Are our systems broken by accident? We would like to give ourselves the control, the blame, and the credit for all of the systems that humanity has created. But are we really that powerful? Do we honestly have that amount of control? As a believer of the spirit, I would say no. As someone who can, at times, look around for the ones to blame when things go tragically wrong, I would again say no. I, like everyone else, have not been able to pinpoint a true and tangible culprit.


So, then who’s to blame for a broken government, school system, healthcare system, or family structure? We all have an answer that we like to use: young people, old people, the current world leaders, republicans, democrats, communism, capitalism, socialism, parents, children, and, of course, the devil. We can always come up with a scapegoat in a bad situation. We get comfortable with our scapegoat, we snuggle up close with it and let its wickedness absorb our own failings. And we go to that person or system whenever we need a bin to throw our anger into.


Is it possible that attaching blame hurts us and keeps us from looking at the issues deeper? Are these systems broken on purpose? Is peace meant for a global scale? Or is it up individuals to create a system for themselves and find peace inwardly by thought, meditation, study, and actions that allow peace to move through us? What if peace was like water: fluid ebbing and flowing from our bodies into the world and back again. What if what is broken is meant to be, to test us and strengthen us toward our greater purpose. Does religion support this theory? Does psychology? Does modern science? As a seeker, I’m going to try to find out. Join me in the journey as I look at these systems that run our lives and see if seeds of light can be found in them.